There are funny ways to say I love you to a person. Although unexpected, adding a twist of humor to your declaration of love often receives a positive response.

If want to know some funny ways to say I love you, read on!

1) Make Your Own Music Video.

In this day and age, its quite easy for a person to direct and star in his own music video! All you need is a camcorder, a computer and a video editing program. If you want to keep everything real, you can even ditch the editing part and show your video raw!

As to what kind of music video you want to create, thats all up to you. You can choose to rap your theme song or copy an already existing video that you both like.

Then, turn the notch up on funny. Exaggerate. You dont have to worry about looking a little foolish because lets face it, love makes fools of us all.

2) Do It Through Interpretative Dance.

One of the funny ways to say I love you is by doing an interpretative dance. If youre a bad dancer, then this is going to be even more hilarious than usual. You can choose a really cheesy song from the early 90s or mix a tape with danceable beats to plan your choreography around.

As with creating your own music video, you dont need to worry about looking a little stupid. You want to tell your lover how in love you are and you want to do it in a humorous way: I say interpretative dance all the way! Just dont do it in front of the parents or in some place public!

3) Rhyme Without Reason.

Poetry has been known to melt even the coldest of hearts but funny poetry – that is another matter altogether. In your best poetic tone, tell your partner how filled with love you are in rhyme.

You can recite a funny poem or spontaneously respond to conversation in rhyme. This is one of the funny ways to say I love you if you both have a good sense of humor! Of course, you should also know when to stop with the jokes and sober up.

Love isnt always meant to be taken seriously. What is a relationship without a sense of humor, eh? With these funny ways to say I love you, I guarantee that your passion will be kept alive in more ways than one!